Coffee named Passion
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Joy : Passion for supporting safety and security
Delivering safe coffee is to deliver a sense of safety to the daily lives of customers. Our persistence toward the freshness of coffee and thorough hygienic management are part of our services to fill customers lives with joy of coffee.
Our mission is to offer reliable flavor for years to come.
Integrated system of production and distribution in pursuit of freshness and safety.
KEY COFFEE uses an integrated system of production processes and logistics management to deliver fresh coffee at all times. Additionally, the entire production process is mechanized from the selection of green coffee beans, roasting, grounding, and packaging to shipping at the factory. The automated control helps in the pursuit of safety.
The hygiene management system maintaining the high standards by dividing the factories.
At each factory of KEY COFFEE, each section of the factory employs positive-pressure to prevent foreign substances from getting in by dividing the areas into zones in accordance with the levels of hygiene. This system allows us to create a safe, secure, delicious, and clean environment. We pride ourselves in embracing an extremely high level of hygiene management standards for coffee production.
The efforts of each employee support safety.
As a manufacturing company, we remain dedicated to observing superior hygiene management, such as compliance with room entry rules and thorough implementation of the 5Ss (Seiri/arrangement, Seiton/tidying, Seiso/cleaning, Seiketsu/cleanliness, and Shitsuke/training), is vital. In this way, hygiene management throughout the factory is brought to perfection. We consider the awareness of delivering a sense of safety to customers most important.